

Friday, October 22, 2010

LESSON 5 - How to Write a Research (Term) Paper

The three elements of writing a Research (Term) paper consists of: 1) Thesis (or Introduction), 2) the Body (mid-section of the paper), and 3) Conclusion.
For our benchmark SS.7HHK.3.3 (Explain the reasons why foreigners came to Hawai'i and explain the political, social, and economic impact on Hawai'i.
I will give you an example of a thesis statement: The arrival of foreigners in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries created an impact upon Hawai'i. The political, social, and economic factors introduced by western influences had an adverse (and a few beneficial) effects upon the natives and Hawaiian institutions. Whalers, traders, explorers, and missionaries came to Hawai'i for various reasons and forever changed Hawai'i.

The body of the term paper is where the supporting statements and examples are placed. The following is an outline of the body:
I. Social
A. Foreigners brought diseases to Hawai'i.
1) Diseases killed thousands of Hawaiians each month over many decades.
a) Leprosy, smallpox, tuberculosis, etc.
B. Introduction of Christianity
1) Converted natives from polytheism to monotheism.
C. Kapu System ended
1) Kaahumanu and Liholiho ordered the burning of the heiaus.
a) Liholiho and Kauikeaouli broke the Kapu defying tradition of dining.
II. Political
A. Kamehameha the Great passes and the political order is changed.
1) Liholiho is heir to the throne.
a) Kaahumanu was chosen as Kuhina Nui (Prime Minister)
to assist Liholiho (now Kamehameha II) to make decisions.
III. Economic
A. The rise of mercantilism.
1) Kamehameha I introduced two bona fide industries to Hawai'i.
a) Sandalwood trade
b) Fur trade.

Definition of "institution" - an institution is any structure of social order governing behavior of a
set of individuals. This applies to customs and behavior patterns.

Homework: Attempt to write sentences to complete the body section of the term paper.
We will explore ways of how to write a conclusion next week.

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