Your third essay discusses King David Kalakaua's trip around the world to recruit labor for its burgeoning sugar industry. The Hawaiian labor shortage could be attributed to diseases that decimated the Hawaiian population. Secondly, Hawaiians considered living on the Ahu'pua'a the perfect place to live in terms of economics (food, shelter, etc) and really did not see the value for coined money. For your project, cull the following information from various websites found under:
King David Kalakaua+immigration+sugar+labor shortage or any variation of these words.
and particularly the text, History of the Hawaiian Monarchy (Rayson, Potter, Kasdon) from Bess Press, 1983. pages 200-204.
Then develop your paper by finishing the following outline of the 3rd term paper for this semester:
Title: Kalakaua and immigration
Topic: King David Kalakaua's trip around the world and his efforts to recruit laborers for Hawai'i's sugar industry.
SS.7HHK.3.4 - Describe the development of the sugar industry in Hawai'i . . .and SS.7HHK.3.5 - Describe the coming of early immigrant groups coming to Hawai'i as contract laborers . . .
(Include footnoting and bibliography referencing)
I. Demand for Sugar
A. Demand for sugar brought demand for labor
1) Hawaiians refused to work because they were used to working on the Ahu'pua'a.
a) Hawaiians had no use for money.
2) The Hawaiian population was decimated because of the introduction of diseases by American, British, and other foreigners.
B. Kalakaua decided to take a trip around the world.
1) To study immigration.
II. Immigration
A. Inequities on the job
1) Underpaid
2) Overworked
B. Cultural Practices
1) Religion
2) Knowledge
III. Immigrant groups needed to adjust or assimilate or acculturate into the Hawaiian culture.
Go to websites to verify and corroborate all the above.
Bibliography style: University of Chicago (Turabian)
Required: 1) Footnotes,
2)Bibliography page,
3) Cover Sheet,
4) Page number (except Cover Sheet - it is considered page 1 but not typed),
5) Spell-Check,
6) double-spaced and two spaces after the end of each sentence, typed in black ink.
KALAKAUA MIDDLE SCHOOL Social Studies - 1st semester: History of Hawaiian Monarchy 2nd semester: Pacific Nation Studies - Instructor: Mr. Gregory Edward Wong - Kalakaua Middle School since 1991.

Friday, November 5, 2010
Writing the Conclusion
Here are two samples in writing the conclusion of the term paper concerning foreign arrivals in the 18th and 19th centuries: Today Hawaii is a result of democratic republic, myriad schools and churches, and successful industries.
The fiftieth state developed unique and enduring industries that led the world in innovative products and services.
This is another example: Today Hawai'i has been affected immensely by foreigner arrivals dating back to the late 18th and 19th centuries. In 1820, there was one school in all eight major islands; today there are over 300 along with four major universities. There has been an evolution of industry that depended natural resources while today Hawai'i depends upon people (through tourism and military spending) to fund our tax revenues.
Use the handouts regarding how to write a thesis and conclusion.
Here are two samples in writing the conclusion of the term paper concerning foreign arrivals in the 18th and 19th centuries: Today Hawaii is a result of democratic republic, myriad schools and churches, and successful industries.
The fiftieth state developed unique and enduring industries that led the world in innovative products and services.
This is another example: Today Hawai'i has been affected immensely by foreigner arrivals dating back to the late 18th and 19th centuries. In 1820, there was one school in all eight major islands; today there are over 300 along with four major universities. There has been an evolution of industry that depended natural resources while today Hawai'i depends upon people (through tourism and military spending) to fund our tax revenues.
Use the handouts regarding how to write a thesis and conclusion.
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